today i was cleaning out her bookbag and saw that mikayla's kindergarten teacher, mrs. mcrcary, had sent home a book the class made for thanksgiving. the book listed one thing each child was thankful for. while sitting at the redlight on the square i began to flip through the book. being the sap that i am, i immediately began to cry when i saw mikayla's page. there was a drawing of me and it read "mikayla is thankful for her mom". i decided that i am going to keep that page always. then in about 8 or so years, when mikayla is not as eager to be hugged and kissed by me i can look at it and remember the days when she loved my affection. i am also going to keep the letter she wrote about me and read aloud at journey church on mother's day this year. this is what she wrote:
dear mommy
i love you because you are so awesome. thank you for all you do for us. i love everyone in our family especially you. i love you because you let me put purple and red in my hair. mt says he loves you too. love, mikayla and mt. thank you
i am so blessed by my children.
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