i am way behind on posting because life has been so hectic. we have had end of year parties/celebrations, mikayla's 3rd dance recital and lindsey has been in the hospital. but it is now officially summer and i am looking forward to spending more time with family and relaxing.
my must not forgets for almost the last month include:

-mikayla caught an enormous grasshopper and was pretending to eat it. really gross. i think she caught about 4 throughout the game and tortured people from journey with it.
-one afternoon i went in to get mt up from his nap & the first thing i saw was his fave book, brown bear, torn to shreds all over the floor. he knew immediately he was in trouble. as i was getting onto him he had the saddest, most heartbreaking face (this is prob the first time he has really been in trouble for outright disobedience). i was giving him my stern face as i got onto him & all of a sudden he got a huge grin on his face and yelled "mommy rocks!".
-mt and emory making muscles
-i get mt so worked up. he wants to kiss me on my lips so i purposely turn my head at the last sec. so he keeps trying until finally he will grab my face between both his hands and plant one on me. but the really funny part is hearing him saying "momma kiss me" in a really frustrated voice
-we took the kids to leaping lizards
- i walked in on mikayla laying down with one of our old cell phones pretending to text. i asked her what she was doing. she told she was practicing so that when we go places people will think she is really texting and think she is famous. not sure what to think of this??
-mt was trying to get a hug from mikayla and she kept pushing him off of her. he told her "i'm going to tell your mommy". then he began yelling "hug me or i'm going to tell michael moody"
-mikayla had her 3rd dance recital and did an awesome job. her smile lit up the entire stage. my favorite part was during her tap routine (candyman) when she "stirred" the candy. she got her whole body into it. very cute.
-our entire family (minus linds, mom, and dad - hospital) went to the braves game. on sundays they allow the kids to run the bases. it was really fun to watch them have such fun doing it.
-mikayla feeding millworms to nanoo's birds. she has no problem picking them up