Monday, May 17, 2010

i'll be the prettiest girl in heaven

a few months ago michael told mikayla that she was the prettiest girl in the world. mikayla replied that mommy (meaning me) was the prettiest mommy in the world. pretty sweet, huh. she went on to inform me that when she was a mommy she would then be the prettiest mommy and i would be the prettiest grandmother. still sweet. she elaborated further that when she was a grandmother she would be the prettiest and i would be the prettiest girl in heaven. still thinking it's sweet. but then she tells me that once she is in heaven she will be the prettiest girl in heaven and i no longer will be. ouch!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

must not forgets 5/9

this weeks faves:
-i enjoyed a private chuckle as michael tried to explain to mikayla satire as used by jonathan swift in gulliver's travels. each night michael reads to mikayla a book. they have been working their way through the children's version of classics line. so far they have read great expectations, little women, robin hood, and king arthur.

-much to michael's frustration, i have taught mt to call him michael moody. it is hilarious. i didn't realize mt had such a southern accent until now.

-mt is cracking me up. i laid him down for his nap one day this week. a few seconds after shutting the door he starts hollaring "momma my pillows not working". so i go in and he tells me his pillow is broken. after showing me what he meant i realized he was laying on a feather pillow and he didn't like the lack of support his toy story pillow gives him.

Monday, May 10, 2010

say a little prayer for you

the other week, while riding in the car, mikayla proposed a new game for us to play. she said she would go first, and pray for one thing. then i would go and pray for something else. i told her that was a great idea. mikayla started by praying for lindsey. she said the sweetest prayer mentioning lindsey's "sick kidney that's not really hers but actually papa's". after that i prayed. i expected mikayla to go again but before she had a chance, mt piped up praying for his motorcycle. it is always precious to hear my children pray.

must not forgets 5/2

faves of the week:
-lindsey filled in for me at "moms and muffins" at mt's school. i met them at the park afterwards and linds gave me the flower the kids gave their moms. mt saw it and told me "not yours mommy, lindsey's flower"
-this pic is a result of me allowing michael to dress mt. the loafers have built in cushions, yet michael insists on mt wearing socks so he does not get blisters. this is an on-going discussion between us ;)
-on friday, lindsey and i went to mother's day tea with mikayla. her class sang three songs about moms for us.
i loved the smirk/smile on her face - she was so excited but slightly embarrassed at the attention. afterwards we went to pick up mt from the carpool line. mikayla ran down the hall to get him and his whole class is yelling "hey mikayla" then mt jumps up.
he starts hollaring to everyone "bye y'all" and "bye adisen". then he runs down the hall to us.
-linds, mikayla, mt and i were running errands. i stop to get gas and mikayla starts crying hysterically. somehow she got a staple stuck between her two front teeth. lindsey and i were dying laughing and of course we had to get a picture.
-lindsey introduced mt and mikayla to pop rox on saturday. mt was not sure what to think at first but was quickly hooked.
-i laid mt down for his nap sunday after church and tried to snuggle a second with him he told me "get out mommy and shut the door". oh the love.....(i guess he didn't realize it was mother's day)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

okaloosa island

we had the chance to go to okaloosa island during my spring break with lindsey, tyler, and the stricklands. it was an incredible week from the beautiful weather, relaxing while the sitters kept the kids during naptime and evenings out, to hanging out with incredible friends.

michael discovered bocci ball and was instantly hooked.

we took hugh with us and he was a great help with all the little kids - very patient. he also served as the judge for who had the closest ball in bocci ball.

mikayla had a blast, spending most of her time in the hot tub. both her and hugh spent many hours helping michael dig the largest hole on record. all the kids rode waves on the kayaks and enjoyed ice cream and seeing "how to tame a dragon".

mt loved the sand. he would throw himself down in it with no hesitation. he was great the whole trip. even at nap time he went straight down, after telling me he preferred to sleep in his own bed at home that is.